This is the middle phrase of Psalm 104:24. I love the simplicity and depth of this assertion and have come to believe that this is the critical Biblical teaching on creation: that the heavens, the earth, the depths of the seas, and all the creatures contained therein bear witness to God's wisdom and power.
I no longer believe that the validity of my faith or of the Bible as the Word of God hinges on the defense of six twenty-four hour days of creation. Based solely on sound principles of Bible interpretation, I no longer believe that Genesis 1 was intended by God or the human author to be understood as a historical narrative. I have written at length explaining this perspective in "Second Thoughts on Six Days" and I invite you to follow that link to prayerfully consider and comment on what I have shared there. Here I will simply take my stand with the Psalmist in affirming, "In wisdom you have made them all."
O LORD, what a variety of things you have made!
In wisdom you have made them all.
The earth is full of your creatures.
Psalm 104:24