Sunday, December 05, 2010


Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

[I was on a mission and in a hurry, on my way to a dry fall pool to look for marbled salamanders. And then  on the non-descript grassy path through the woods-- by no means in my mind a destination in and of itself, God arrested my attention and interrupted my agenda. Following is my on-the-spot journal entry.]

There are places in life that demand a slower pace and a deeper appreciation. And these places are far more common than we imagine.

You have brought me to a sacred place to behold your beauty, Lord. And to behold it not on my terms, but Yours. The sudden orange inside the wings of a sunlit comma butterfly can take the breath away.

What is my hurry here? If I must hurry, why even come? It is a time to be alone with One I love. A time to be at peace.

I do love You Lord and I want to love You more. I confess before You the hardness of my heart and the busyness of my life. Let me be still and know that You are God. Be exalted in my life, O Lord. Amen.